Art History
- Alternative
Careers for Art Historians - guide to career tracks for individuals
who have majored in or are contemplating a major in art history.
- American
Visions - companion site to the PBS special on the history of American
art as told by Time Magazine's art critic, Robert Hughes.
- Anistoriton
- magazine of history, archaeology & art history.
- Art
History Network - art history, archaeology and fine art resources
on the web.
- Art
Images for College Teaching - AICT is a royalty-free image exchange
resource for the educational community.
- an internet-only TV channel.
- carrying an array of art books, posters, and gifts, and offering a
directory of artists, events, and museums, as well as consultation and
auction services, online exhibitions, and Artstar magazine.
- Ask
Joan of Art - art information specialists at the National Museum
of American Art will answer your email queries on American art. Includes
informative FAQ.
- Carol
Gerten's Fine Art - archive of artists and their works, sorted alphabetically,
by period, and by location.
- Eyes
on Art - lesson plans and tutorials that teach students and adults
to look at things from an artistic view.
- Getty
Provenance Index - provides access to multiple databases on the
history of the ownership of works of art, gathered from sales catalogues,
archival records, and museum files.
- Great
Exhibition of 1851 - background behind the ambitious exhibition
held in London, England.
- Mark
Harden's Artchive - virtual art museum with galleries of Masters'
works, theory and criticism, art cd-rom reviews and art links.
- Smart-Ass
Guide to Art
- The
5 ? Art History Quiz
- Timelines
- images and links to non-Western art before 1900.
- Visions
of Art - discussion on the meaning and definition of art, using
writings by famous artists.