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eHeadlines: Your World and Local News Center

Why should you advertise on eHeadlines? eHeadlines has one of the largest FREE News link archives on the Internet.

That's why it makes our site, a prime bookmark traffic, and also new traffic for many new surfers and potential customers coming onto the Internet for the first time.

Our traffic will continue to grow as we have a dedicated marketing team continually upgrading the site material and submitting and resubmitting pages. Prices quoted are for a banner ad size 468 x 60 pixels, 12k max size unless noted otherwise. We are currently set up to run banner advertising on a flat rate or click through basis. Special yearly rates can also be negoitated.

Current Rate Card:

* We are currently offering advertising on a CPC (per click basis).

* Flat rates on Banner placements are also available for certain categories that have higher traffic.

eHeadlines offers a wide variety of advertising opportunities.If you are interested in driving traffic to your site, just complete the form below.

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Last Update: August 1, 2001