- ActualJobs
Canada - index of Canadian job offers, reindexed daily.
- Bullseye
Job Shop - Job search site links. Usenet information. Updated and
revised monthly.
- links to job databases, government job banks, newsgroups, employment
agencies, and companies that have Canadian job listings on their homepages.
- CareerOwl
Institute - offers job search, job posting, and virtual job agent
- Diversity
Directory - Hispanic, Latino, Asian, African American and other
international employment, hr and job resources.
- Employment
Link - providing links to company designed career web pages.
- Escape
Artist: One Thousand & One Overseas Job Links
- Get
A Job! - SenseMedia will post your HTML format resume here for no
charge, and will promote this site as a place to find hypermedia professionals.
- International
Students Career Website and Forum - school and career resource for
international students and young professionals. Forum and listings of
helpful sites.
- Internet
Job Source, The - guide to state, federal, and Fortune 500 job listings.
- Internet's
Employment Resource, The - collection of links to employment-related
- Job
Bus Canada - search engine and directory of employment and career
resources. Also offers articles, newsletter, and more.
- Job
List - Joe Walker - list of job sites.
- Job
Source - directory links to job and career Web sites.
- job listings for bilingual candidates and joint ventures in China.
- online job hunting guide with links to jobs and advice.
- a categorical job directory and online community. Browse jobs quickly
from job sites as well as company human resources pages.
- directory for employers and job seekers in Latin America.
- listing jobs and resumes relating to the plastics injection molding
- guide to online resources including postings, resumes, as well as
tips and articles on career planning and job hunting.
- SniperCom,
Inc. - provides access to a national database of jobs.
- databases showcasing start-ups and their staffing needs.
- a collection of national, local, and corportate job sources and recruiters.
- WebbModels
and WebbActors - talent agency directory for casting directors,
actors, models, and photographers.
- directory of employers, recruiters, job banks, and more.