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  • AOL Anywhere International Web Channel - News, maps, currency information, sports, and weather.
  • Cities in the Country - Largest Cities in the World - Statistical tables and maps for the principal cities and agglomerations of the world.
  • - Find in-depth local information for major cities around the world.
  • Eldis Country Profiles - Search for information on economic, political and environmental issues in countries throughout the world. Eldis makes a qualitative selection of materials and structures it for easy access.
  • Gates96 - Browse the web by geographical location.
  • Globaldirekt - Web directory of information and resources for travelers, international businessmen, expatriates, globetrotters, tourists and researchers.
  • Greatest Cities of the World - Information about the world's largest and most influential cities.
  • Indian Ocean Centre - Coordinating research in trade, culture and human relations amongst the nations of the Indian Ocean Region.
  • Indian Ocean Rim Region Virtual Library - A prototype virtual library containing searchable research data related to social development in the Indian Ocean Rim Region.
  • Island Directory - Basic environmental and geographic information on the significant islands of the world.
  • Islands Info - Information about selected islands worldwide, geared towards tourists and travellers.
  • List of URLs for Atlantic Islands - Links to sites about islands in the Atlantic and Caribbean.
  • North Atlantic Islands - Collection of links for countries located in the North Atlantic.
  • Official City Sites    - Directory of official city, county, state and country sites from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. Also includes chamber of commerce and visitor bureau sites.
  • Search Engines Worldwide - More than 660 search engines and directories from 115 countries are listed here.
  • - Guide to tourist information, shopping, sports, dining, and events in selected major cities in the US, Europe, and worldwide, tailored towards delivery on WAP devices such as cellphones.
  • World Global Information - A geographic data center, includes brief statistical information on all countries in the world.
  • World Rulers - Find all the past and present rulers of the still existing States in the world.
  • - Categorized links for the nations of the world, both in English and in local languages. Country profiles, maps, weather, translations, and currency conversions are also available.

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Last Update: May 18, 2001