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  • "E" Spot - covers new films, videos, TV shows, and websites, plus a video archive and extensive links.
  • All Purpose Reviews - Johny Ray and Hesser present interviews and reviews of movies, videos, DVDs, and comic books.
  • All-Reviews.com - consumer reviews of movies, books, video games, music, and toys.
  • Apollo Leisure Guide - online source for intelligent reviews of movies on video, and software.
  • Awesome Waffles - teenagers' opinions on the latest movies, sports, and music.
  • Bill's Best of Everything - an idiosyncratic selection of products, services, unique places, and people who make the world a more interesting place just by being in it.
  • Classic Film and Television - with information on behind the scenes artists, including writers, directors, costume designers, and music video makers.
  • CritiChick - providing readers with fun and informative reviews of movies, TV, media, and pop culture.
  • Grading the Movies, Music & Games  - offers reviews with ratings for sexual content, violence, drug and alcohol use, and profanity.
  • Screen It!: Entertainment Reviews For Parents  - covering movies, music, and videos.
  • culturevulture.net - idiosyncratic sharing of matters cultural: reviews of art and architecture, books, movies, and performing arts.
  • Entertainment Rated - ratings of literature, film, music, comics, and more.
  • Erik Lundegaard's Book & Movie Review Site
  • Fandom.com - film, comic, book, and entertainment reviews and interviews by fans for fans.
  • Film Monthly - offers reviews and commentary on movies, television, and more. Readers provide published material.
  • Foocha! - presents outspoken reviews from the UK for Brits and Anglophiles around the world. Subjects include movies, music, media, television, technology, and books.
  • France's TV & Movie Reviews - submit your own ratings.
  • Gelman Revolution - reviews of films and other miscellaneous subjects, like books and TV.
  • iLifeBoomer.com - offers reviews on everything from books, movies, and music to beer, wine and trips.
  • Listology, The - searchable collection of user-contributed lists of movie, book, and music recommendations.
  • Lotta Reviews - reviews of movies, television shows, dvd, and videos.
  • Media Junkies - movie, music, books, and games.
  • Media Nugget of the Day - bite-sized recommendations of books, music, movies, and more.
  • Music, Film, and Video Web Site, The - reviews of the latest films and videos, including trailers. Also includes reviews on bands and new singles, including samples.
  • OS Reviews - covers music, movies, concerts, and food.
  • popcontrol - provides reviews of music, books, and film. Includes a focus on electronic and industrial music.
  • Review Board, The - reviews of games, music, and movies.
  • Review Guys - reviewing anything in the world that can be reviewed.
  • Review, The - we've got an opinion on just about everything, from books, to movies, to music, to things going on in the world.
  • Sidekick - gal pals Lynn and Krista review movies, books, televisions, and provide profiles of character actors.
  • Sit.Com - online guide to sitcoms, soapies, tv shows and movies.
  • Well Rounded Entertainment - offers coverage of the computer gaming, cinematic and music worlds, with reviews, daily news, topical interviews and giveaways.
  • What Up? - movie, TV, and music reviews.ArchitectureArt Exhibits


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Last Update: May 17, 2001