Performance Art Center
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Performance Art

  • Campanile - musical percussion theatre combining handbells, choreography, and comedy.
  • Cap and Bells - site dedicated to folly and foolery, including original scenario for the commedia del'arte, literary and social history of the fool, and more.
  • Capacitor - non-profit group of modern dancers, jugglers, climbers, aerialists, and musicians creating performance inspired by technology and the human form.
  • Circle-X Arts - committed to the development of Mystery Drama, a genre that explores the spiritual dimensions of existence through stage performance.
  • De La Guarda - Argentine group for the research and realization of artistic events.
  • Electronic Arts Intermix - EAI serves as a nonprofit resource for artists' video, offering screenings, preservation, and international media distribution.
  • in conversation - provides the means for two people, one in the street or gallery and one on the Internet, to engage in a live dialogue with each other.
  •, The - a collaborative space for artists interested in experimental music, new artistic ideas and multimedia performance art. Sponsored by Randy Hostetler Living Room Fund.
  • Mayumana - join this group of artists on stage in a dazzling voyage through rhythm and movement.
  • men who knew too much, the - performance-comedy group from Australia.
  • New Media Encyclopedia, The - site covers recognized video artists and their works with documents, and video clips.
  • No Time - performance comedy group currently touring colleges and clubs around the country. Check out the bizzare content on the site, and be part of the "virtual tour", and interactive live comedy tour.
  • P-Form - journal of performance and interdisciplinary art.
  • Paparazzi in Paradise - project which switches the roles of tabloid journalism consumers with its victims through photojournalism.
  • Pedestrian Project, The - performers dressed in costumes inspired by pedestrian crossing signs appear in public locations for impromptu performances as well as completely choreographed works for specific locations.
  • Performance Space 122 - presents everything from dance to theatre to music to poetry to opera to performance art to rituals.
  • pink inc. - art and performance with soft sculptures and large installations using lyrca/spandex.
  • Question Authority, The - sound poetry ensemble.
  • Surpu Masu The Scapegoat - caste your sin into the mouth of the goat, and let the gods take away the burden of your guilt.
  • Transform Art - promotions for local performance art. Includes artist bios.
  • Z Productions - regarding the activities of Paul Granjon. Features performances with popular food and low-tech robots.




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