Alternative Fuel
- Alternative
Fuels Data Center - providing accurate, objective information and
statistics about alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles to
interested organizations.
- Alternative
Methods of Propulsion - report on cars powered by alternative sources
including nitrogen, hydrogen and battery power. vehicles.
- Alternative
Vehicle Club of Cal Poly Pomona - student-run club dedicated to
the research and development of alternative energy vehicles.
- Argonne
National Laboratory - Transportation Technology R&D Center -
developing cost-effective solutions for problems such as vehicle emissions
and energy supply.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle National Data Center
- Clean
Car Road Race
- DaimlerChrysler
Fuel Cell Car - the hydrogen-powered NECAR 2 prototype uses fuel
cell technology to generate electricity and water vapor.
- DOE's
Transportation Technologies - Learn about the latest technologies
and DOE's involvement in the development of advanced transportation.
- Fuel
Cells 2000 - information on fuel cell cars and buses, new developments
in fuel cell research.
- describes how Justin Carven and Skip Wrightson converted Justin's
van to run on used cooking grease. Features diary from their cross country
test trip.
- International
Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV) - information on natural
gas vehicles and the international NGV industry.
- Kushan's
Page of Electric and Solar Cars
- Natural
Gas Vehicle Coalition - a national trade association representing
natural gas companies, equipment manufacturers, service providers and
government entities interested in promotion of natural gas vehicles.
- contains information about natural gas vehicles, locations of fueling
stations, safety, legislation, and more.
- Pritchard
Steam Power - information on a project for a steam powered vehicle
using alternative fuels.
- Veggie
Van - official website of the biodiesel powered Veggie Van and its
USA Tour. This van is powered by used vegetable oil.
- Web
Directory: Alternative-fuel Vehicle Directory - conversions, the
electrochemistry of batteries and fuel cells, U.S. Government research
sites, university hybrid projects, associations and international manufacturers,
- Zero
and Low Emission Vehicles - concise information on nitrogen, hydrogen,
and electric powered vehicles.