- Ann
Rose's Ultimate Birth Control Links - provides extensive information
for individuals of all ages to make informed decisions about sexual
activity and potential childbearing.
on the WWW - provides information partly drawn from the usenet
group of the same name, about the reliablity and side-effects of various
contraceptive methods, myths, international contact information, and
- information on the birth control pill, IUDs, and other forms of
Guide - up-to-date guide to contraception available today. Created
and maintained by Mary Jane Bovo, M.D.
Devil - contraceptive options for non-prescription, prescription,
and emergency methods.
- provides information on international family planning, population,
reproductive health, and the environment.
Alan Guttmacher
Institute - Nonprofit provides reproductive-health research,
policy analysis and public education. Peruse news, statistics and
family-planning articles.
IPPF Medical
Bulletin - Publication from International Planned Parenthood covers
clinical, service-delivery and managerial aspects of family planning.
Pathfinder International
- Group offering family-planning and reproductive-health services
provides a publications guide and a donation form. Learn about
job opportunities.
Falling Fertility Table - United Nations organization lists
the falling number of births per women in the developing world.
Includes statistics for Asia and Africa.
I Dream
of Baby - Comprehensive guide covering aspects of pregnancy
and fertility includes advice for getting pregnant. Also find
message boards and shopping.
Health Online - ReproLine offers up-to-date reproductive health
and family-planning information and training materials, including
presentation graphics.
Parenthood - Nonprofit offers resources on sexual and reproductive
health, contraception, family planning, abortion, and sexually
transmitted diseases.
Care International - Organization is dedicated to improving
women's sexual and reproductive health and rights in developing
countries. Find news and publications.