- Arms
Sale Monitor - reports and analyzes U.S. government policies on
conventional arms exports and weapons proliferation.
- Cadence
Page - military marching and running cadence.
- Center
for Ecological Management of Military Lands - CEMML supports sound
management of military land.
- Cold
War Recognition Certificate - awarded to members of the armed forces
and qualified federal government personnel who served the United States
during the Cold War era.
- Command
vs. Operational Control: A Critical Review of PDD-25
- Counter
Narcotics Tactical Operations Medical Support - CONTOMS provides
EMT tactical training to EMS personnel who support law enforcement tactical
- DefenseLINK:
Military Installations List - worldwide listing.
- Department
of Defense
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
- Enlisted.Com
- an alternative military web site. Includes a message board for Vietnam
veterans, a spouse's corner, free classifieds, and edgy opinions on
current military policy and actions.
- House
Committee on Armed Services - from the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Lifelines
- information on military medical services, crisis counseling, financial
management, careers, education, deployment, and recreational pursuits.
- Medal
of Honor
- Military
Medals - from the Civil War to the Gulf War.
- Military
Network - central point of information relating to both the military
and domestic and international governments.
- Military
Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) - urban military operations;
concepts, doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures; technology and
urban operations research.
- Military
Pay and Benefits 2000 - describes the improvements to military pay
and benefits authorized in the National Defense Authorization Act FY2000.
From the DoD's Defense Technical Information Center.
- North
American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
- Quadrennial
Defense Review
- Salute
to Our Armed Forces - tribute to the U.S. military from the past
to the present.
- search engine indexing the .mil domain.
- Space
& Electronic Warfare Lexicon - collection of technical terms,
acronyms, mission areas, taxonomies, and citations relating primarily
to Naval electronic warfare and space warfare.
- Today's
Military - information for young adults on career and college help,
jobs, recruiting, training, ROTC, and more for all branches.
- U.S.
Department of Defense - DefenseLINK - includes news, the Defense
Almanac, and an introduction to the DOD.
- United
States Armed Forces Rank Insignia - graphical charts to assist in
identifying, on sight, the correct branch and paygrade of a U.S. serviceman.
Cross-referenced to span branches.
- United
States Central Command
- United
States Southern Command
- United
States Space Command (USSPACECOM)
- US
Military Uniform Decorations - military rank and medal insignia.
- created for military personnel overseas, site has news and guest features,
job information, downloadable applications and other resources.