- Guerrilla Girls - The
Guerrilla Girls are a group of women artists, writers, performers, film
makers and arts professionals who fight discrimination.
- About.com's
Guide to Human Rights - News and information about human rights
and women's rights.
- Beyondmedia: Building Social
Change - Beyondmedia is dedicated to using media for progressive
organizing around women's issues.
- Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
- CRLP is an independent, non-profit legal organization dedicated to
ensuring that all women have access to appropriate and freely chosen
reproductive health services.
- Center for Women's Global Leadership
- Develops and facilitates women's global leadership toward women's
human rights and social justice worldwide.
- Coalition Against
Trafficking in Women - A feminist nongovernmental organization that
works internationally to oppose all forms of sexual exploitation.
- Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation - To
counter fundamentalist tendencies within the various religious, cultural
and social beliefs which result in the oppression or unequal treatment
of women and girl-child in different parts of the globe.
- Equal Rights Advocates -
A public interest, nonprofit women's law center in San Francisco that
fights for the economic, social and political equality of women and
- Equality Now - An international
human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political,
economic and social rights of girls and women. Some of the many human
rights issues of urgent concern include: rape, reproductive rights,
trafficking, gender discrimination, domestic violence, political representation,
female infanticide, sexual harassment, genital mutilation, and pornography.
- Honor Killings
and Other Abuses Against Women - Honor killings and bride burning
- what are they, where and why do they occur, and where to go for help
and support.
- Madre - International human rights
group, demanding human rights and justice for women and families.
- NewsSynthesis
Women's Rights News - News portal with resources draws headlines
from across the net.
- Pay Equity Acts
- This is an introduction (and a list of useful links) to Pay Equity
Acts that purport to eliminate discriminatory salary differences that
may exist between male-dominated and female-dominated jobs by assuring
equal pay for work of equivalent value.
- Q Web Sweden - A women’s
empowerment base. A communication network for exchange of knowledge,
experience and ideas on women’s health and gender issues. The overall
aim is women's empowerment with focus on women's health and equal rights.
- Take Action
with the Feminist Majority! - The battle for equality never takes
a day off. New actions listed regularly.
- Woman and Earth Global
Eco-Network - The first NGO promoting women, human rights and development
in the former Soviet Union, now serving as a bridge connecting the voices
of Russian speaking women and ecology with women throughout the world.
Bases in Russia, US, Turkey, Ghana, Fance, UK, Armenia, Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan and representatives throughout the world.
- Women and Gender Equality:
Reference Sources in Culture - UNESCO's action in favour of women
underline mainstreaming a gender perspective in policy-planning, and
broad and active participation of women in society.
- Women and
Islam - Struggles for Tolerance in the face of Fundamentalism, photographs
by Nadia Benchallal on MoJones site.
- Women, Ink. - A project of
the International Women's Tribune Center to market and distribute books
on women and development in the Global South region. New titles this
year include Armed Conflict and the Peace Process, Information Technology,
Globalisation and Economics etc.
- Women Leaders Online/Women Organizing for
Change - WLO is building a network of one million women and men
to empower women in politics, society, the economy, the media, and cyberspace,
to achieve full equality and improve women's lives.
- WomenAction 2000 - A global
gateway to alternative reports, campaign material, events listings,
multi-media coverage, press releases, and other resources that deal
with the UN's Beijing +5 review process on the empowerment of women.
- Women's Environment and Development
Organization (WEDO) - WEDO increases women's visibility, roles and
leadership in public policy-making through peace, gender, human rights,
environmental and economic justice campaigns
- Women's Freedom Network
- Founded by a group of women who were seeking alternatives to extremist
ideological feminism and the anti-feminist traditionalism. It does not
set different standards of excellence, morality, or justice for men
and women.
- Women's Global Strike
- March 8th 2000 - Stop the world and change it - for a new millenium
which values all women's work and all women's lives. Visit the site
and add your reasons for going on strike.
- Women's Human Rights
Resources - Covers many women's issues including education, equality,
feminist theory, health, labor and employment, marriage and family,
politics, property law, housing, prostitution, race and gener, violence,
religion; from the Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto.
- Women's Rights Information Center
- Organized to provide women in transition with a supportive environment
where they can learn, grow, and regain confidence to move forward to
provide for themselves and their families.
- WomenWatch - Learn about
the work of the United Nations entities and inter-governmental and treaty
bodies that deal with the advancement and empowerment of women and about
international instruments on women's rights.
- Zonta International - Advancing
the status of women locally and globally.
- World March of Women 2000
- March to protest poverty and violence against women. (October
15, 2000)
- Beijing
95 - Archive of Institute for Global Communications (IGC) pages
regarding the Fourth World Conference on Women. (September, 1995)