- 1
Stop Job Interviews - offers job interview coaching.
- America's
Career Coach - solutions for career satisfaction.
- Ask
The Interview Coach - offers email advice, plus general tips about
preparing for the interview and overcoming anxiety.
Career Exploration Program - for counselors to help assess military
and civilian careers for their students.
- Barnard
Consulting Group - short-term career strategies for energizing the
lives of mid-career adults, older workers, and restless retiress.
- Berger,
Lynn - career and personal coach.
- Cambridge
Career Services, Inc. - career coaching, personal marketing consulting
and resume writing.
- Cando
Career Coaching - offers resume writing and interview preparation
- Career
Action Center - committed to helping individuals achieve career
- Career
Consultants - assisting clients in finding and obtaining the job
or career that they desire.
- Career
Design Associates, Inc.
- Career
Direction Services - providing consulting services for adults and
students seeking guidance in making career changes or selecting first
- Career
Directions, Inc. - helping organizations establish, implement, and
sustain career development and performance management systems.
- Career
Dreams Incorporated - career planning and development for employers
and individuals.
- Career
Fitter - a quick online career and personality test with a report
detailing characteristics and occupational matches. Counseling available.
- Career
Marketing Services of America - provides counseling and resume writing
services, with sample resumes and curriculum vitae examples.
- Career
Navigators - provides resources that empower people to achieve their
career and life goals.
- Career
Planning and Management, Inc. - counseling and training firm serving
both individuals and organizations.
- Career
Planning Services - career planning, resume services and publishing
career materials for use with middle school through adult populations.
- Career
Recipes - career coaching services include, tips on resumes, team-building,
workshops and more. Specializes in assisting work-at-home women, e-commerce,
sales, marketing, hr, and entrepreneur professionals.
- Career
Research and Testing, Inc. - career development consulting, books,
videos, and software.
- Career
Sciences, Inc. - sells books related to job search methods and resume
and interview strategies. Also provides confidential answers for specific
job search problems.
- Career
Success Map - online career focus testing profile for individuals
and companies. Fee-based.
- Career
Transitions - offering non-traditional services.
- provides career counseling for students, people changing careers,
retirees, and more. Offers tele-coaching, profiling tests, reading lists,
and future top jobs.
- CareerForward
- offering a variety of career coaching services.
- features online career planning, assessment testing, occupational
matching, interview questions, and more.
- Careers
By Design - online career assessments including Strong Interest
Inventory, Myers Briggs, and FIRO-B. Career counseling, resume review,
interviewing skills.
- CareersNet
- career change management, counseling, development, consultancy and
- Celia
D. Crossley & Associates - assisting individuals in developing
a strategic plan for their career and achieving career satisfaction
and success.
- Celia
Paul Associates - offering career counseling for lawyers, doctors,
scientists, and engineers.
- Center
for Balanced Living - charting a purposeful and passionate direction
for your future.
- Christian
Career Center - includes testing and assessment, articles, and professional
counseling from a Christian perspective.
- Clarke
& Associates - provides assistance to executives, managers,
and professionals in managing their careers.
- resume writing and consultations, interview advice, negotiating tips,
and more.
- Competitive
Edge - offering resume writing and career coaching services.
- Create
Your Career - career development/transition coach who writes resumes
and marketing letters.
- D
& B Consulting - career consulting and business performance
coaching by a highly qualified MBA/MSW professional.
- Destiny
Group - helping individuals with military backgrounds make the transition
to the corporate world.
- Employment
Connection - offering resume assistance and workshops for job seekers,
and hiring process consulting for employers.
- Executive
Essentials - professional resumes, interviewing and job coaching,
Internet resume posting, and search services for executives.
- Five
O'Clock Club - career counseling network providing job search articles,
books and private and small group career counseling.
- Friedland
& Marcus - licensed psychologists providing career and vocational
counseling, testing and resources.
- Harker
Development Institute - offering apprentice/mentor introduction
services, as well as career counseling seminars.
- Highlands
Program (2)
- Horizons
Unlimited Inc. - career counseling services including testing and
writing resumes and cover letters.
- Human
Development Consulting - Career Search: used for career exploration/transferable
- Human
Resource Interface (HRI) - resume writing services, personal reference
checking, promotional services, and compensation studies.
- iccNorthernCalifornia
- help attract, assess, select, retain, and transition top talent worldwide.
Assists client organization in remaining productive during times of
restructuring and organizational renewal.
- Innerview
Career Video - collection of video interviews with people working
in over 500 jobs.
- Interview
Coach, The - offering one-on-one interview coaching or on-site and
small group workshops.
- Interview
Power - providing workshops in interviewing skills for job seekers
including graduates, people returning to the workforce, and executives.
- Job
Search Tactics - interactive online publication dedicated to coaching
professional men and women in their search for new jobs.
- Job
Services Unlimited - employment consultant practice.
- Job-Bridge
- helping clients with career planning, transition, and testing using
multimedia assessment and job-search programs. A service of Wilson McLeran
Inc. and J.L. Krug & Associates.
- guide to job interviews with strategy and job specific tips, sample
interview questions and answers, and practice/mock interviews.
- JobCoach
- provides personal coaching when in transition between jobs or seeking
other career opportunities.
- offers resources for college based career counselors.
- aptitude test that matches interests to careers, job groups and college
majors. Site offers career planning and employment resources.
- Lambert
Vocational Services, Inc. - innovative provider of vocational rehabilitation
services to individuals with disabilities and/or economic disadvantages.
- Leadership
Resources - offers corporate outplacement services, individual career
consulting, and planning for mid- to senior-level executives.
- Life
Vision - focusing on lifepath and career guidance, wholistic health
and astrology.
- Life
Work Design - career direction strategy, retirement planning, courses,
coaching, learning materials.
- LifePath
Creations - providing career services and job direction counseling
for job seekers and people changing occupations.
- LifeWork
Directions - career management firm offering the Career Compass,
a predictor of career success and satisfaction.
- LifeWork,
Inc. - offers interview training and career opportunities for the
JMO planning a transition from military to civilian employment.
- McCarthy
& Company - confidential career management assistance and service.
- McKenna
Group International - career transition consultants, specializing
in professional personalized counseling for senior executives and managers
facing decisions concerning the future of their careers.
- MindSteps,
Inc. - develops and markets online self-service people management
software for dynamic growth companies. Internet or intranet delivery.
- New
Beginnings - providing personalized career guidance and college
planning to individuals and families.
- New
World Training & Consulting - offering individual career coaching
as well as corporate training and consulting.
- Pathfinders
- offers personalized career coaching, counseling, and ability testing.
- Personal
Success Systems - services include career, business, and personal
coaching, seminars and national teleclasses covering job search strategies,
corporate coaching, teambuilding, and outplacement.
- Personality
Profile Career Match - discover how data about your interests and
skills can help predict future job satisfaction.
- Peter
K. Studner Associates - provides career counseling and secretarial
services for job candidates. Site includes advice, links to job search
sites and recruiters.
- Piney
Mountain Press, Inc. - provides videos, software, and other products
for career, learning style, and aptitude assessment.
- Prager-Bernstein
Group - career counseling, coaching and outplacement firm.
- Profile
- questionnaire and evaluation of an individual's potential for selection
and career management.
- ProMatch
of Silicon Valley - offers workshops and classes to help unemployed
professionals to assess skills, write better resumes, interview successfully
and network with fellow members and alumni.
- Proteus
Consultancy Ltd. - career guidance and outplacement specialists.
- Quest
- provides career transition assistance including counseling, resume
marketability assessment, interview preparation, and ongoing career
transition support.
- R.
Davenport & Associates
- Rockport
Institute - career counseling, coaching, life planning, and career
testing services.
- We
Mean Business - provides professional development products and seminars
created by women for women.
- WhatNOW?
- video package providing comprehensive, easy-to-learn instructions
on how to turn interviews into job offers.