- American Career Test - Career
aptitude test matches personality traits with career aptitude characteristics,
providing ranking of career suggestions.
- Aptitude tests, personality tests, occupational interest inventories
and career guidance, developed by Dr. Lankford, are offered within this
- Apollo Career Solutions
- Provider of online guidance to career planning, development and management.
Advice and references to resources on self assessment, self development
and career enhancement.
- Assessment and Testing Services,
Inc - Assessment and testing for employee selection, personal, career,
team, and executive development, and career and team building workshops.
- Attitude Survey - Providing
attitude survey questionnaires design, analysis and reporting systems
to conduct employee opinion surveys supported by organisational and
culture change training and consultancy services.
- CareeFitter - A Career
test uncovering best occupational matches as well as career research
and a full career test report.
- Career Experience - Uses
a profile of visitors to direct them to careers, skill training, jobs
and employers.
- Career Fables - The intelligent
option for providing employers with candidates professional information
allowing them to match skills to needs.
- Career Profile
- Take the survey to receive your personal Career Profile. Then click
on any career for links to information on that career.
- Career
Vision - Ball Aptitude Battery of tests to determine skill areas.
Also includes a newsletter.
- Careers By Design
- Provides online assessments including the Strong Interest Inventory,
- careerXact - Online career
assessment tool capable of instantly matching career seekers with their
most suitable employers, based on personality and interests.
- - Everything
you need to build and manage your career including assessments, career
training, expert advice, resume builders, job searches and interviewing
- Center for Career
Assessment - A consulting firm which specializes in custom-designed
career and job search assessments and career motivation materials.
- The Center for Creative Empowerment
- Dedicated to helping individuals empower themselves to live free and
happy lives that express the best of who they are.
- Color Wize - Find out your
favorite colors and the careers that correspond to those colors.
- Connect2 - Offers assistance
in reaching your personal and professional goals by helping you identify
issues and obstacles, explore options and strategies, act and reflect.
- Creating Strategies
- We help people design lives and careers they love. By shining a light
on their natural abilities and then using those strengths as a foundation
in their careers, businesses and lives.
- Decision Solution - Helps
make personnel decisions quickly and accurately. Take the online assessment,
and get information in less than one minute.
- Discover Me - Personality
assessment to define your ideal career.
- Dream Huge - Helps to create
deeper-more meaningful relationships, balance family and work , discover
a dream job, stay fit and motivated. Use free tools to make your dreams
come true.
- The Educational Testing Service Network
- Self-directed career and educational planning software that helps
students and parents make better career choices.
- Friedland &
Marcus - Comprehensive testing and counseling for career aptitudes,
interests, and motivation.
- HR eSolutions Inc - Online
assessment tools together with a comprehensive PC based psychometric
assessment covering ability, coping strategies, vocational interests,
work-place styles and interpersonnel styles.
- - Complimentary,
interactive online assessments and attitude survey. Personalized training
resources for career and organizational improvement.
- - The personal
side of work. A career exploration web site where experienced workers
share their motivations, basic skills and advice.
- Jobshark Behavioural Profile
- Based on one of the most accepted and popular assessment techniques,
the system analyses four main behavioural traits: D-Dominance, I-Influence,
S-Steadiness and C-Compliance.
- Jobtrak Job
Search Tips - Gateway to self-assessment, resume writing and interviewing
- - A career assessment and
career planning tool that matches your interests to careers, job groups
and college majors.
- Liam Healy and Associates
- Work and organizational psychologists. Psychometric test downloads
and on-line career development reports.
- My Aspiration - Dedicated
to helping you fulfill your ambitions by providing you with information
and advice to use in planning and managing your career.
- - Career
planning resource site featuring Selector CareerStep, an on-line vocational
interest/competency assessment for use in making subject choices in
education or considering to assist in deciding on a career change.
- National Career Assessment Services,
Inc. - Presents career exploration for the 21st Century with the
new Kuder Career Search with Person Match and the Iowa Career Learning
- Online Profiles - The
site provides online profiling tools for the individual and for businesses.
Also offers courses geared towards test results.
- Personal Nature Career Assessment
- Measures talents and work styles ranking career suggestions. Interpretative
reports immediately available.
- Personality Assessments
- Extensive battery of original, standardized online-scored personality
and intelligence tests and quizzes.
- Personalized career assessment
system. - An online career assessment that clearly identifies how
you best fit in the workplace in extensive detail.
- Offers tools for external selection, promotions, transfers, succession
plans, or personal development.
- Self-Directed Search
- Match your skills and interests to specific jobs, careers, occupations,
college majors, and fields of study. Includes a printable report.
- - On-line personal
assessment service. Helping people to make the correct choices for their
- Talent Plus Inc. - Provides
a system for building a talent-based organization. At the heart of our
system is a technology process for the selection and development of
- Valpar International Corporation
- Manufacturer of software and specialized testing equipment used in
career assessment/exploration. Products are criterion-referenced to
the DOL job analysis system and MTM.
- Vocational Insights
- Vocational interest testing to help people decide on a college major
and career.
- Features tips on financial services resumes, resume review by actual
recruiters, several articles for advice, and sample resumes.
- Wist - Will, imagination, sensation
and thought, individuals' job strengths and reveals much about personal
values, preferred approaches to learning, patterns of decision making,
and leadership styles.
- WorkNet Inc. - Career planning
and Human Resource tools to assist students, job seekers and corporations
in career development, job search, performance, or learning.