- ACA's Position on the Census
Issue - Excluding those private US citizens residing abroad results
in a distortion of the congressional apportionment process. Some states
may lose a representative or representatives because NOT ALL Americans
abroad are counted in the census who vote in those states.
- ACLU Legal Brief
in Favor of Statistical Sampling - This paper was filed to defend
the effort by the Clinton administration to alter the Census results
with statistical guesses at what the population count should have been.
- Blue Ribbon
Panel on the Census - Critics have questioned the Bureau's intent
to make greater use of sampling. Their criticism may be based upon a
misunderstanding of the scientific basis of the Census Bureau's sampling
- Census 2000?
Leave it Blank! - The author explains why you should answer only
the "how many residents at this address" section of the Census
form, including why it is your Constitutional right to do so.
- Census
2000 a Tool of Socialist State Building - Editorial comment on the
premise that the US census is unconstitutional and designed to assist
in expanding a socialist state.
- Census 2000
and Racial Information: Reverse Discrimination? - Race (and ethnicity)
data from the census are used to allocate your tax dollars for racial
quota programs, including race-based school programs, race-based hiring
quotas, race-based government contracting, race-based aid programs,
and even race-based bank loans and home mortgages -- all of which discriminate
unfairly against anyone not in a politically correct group.
- Census 2000
Protest - The US Census focuses too much attention on "race",
essentially pitting each race against another for special government
favors. Check off the "American Indian" box instead of the
correct race, in protest!
- Census
Bureau Answers Critics - The most significant news is that there
is no plan to prosecute and fine anyone who fails to return the Census
questionnaire or who fails to answer some or all of the questions.
- Clinton trying
to rewrite Constitution - Columnist George Will speaks out against
altering census results to fit bureaucratic ideas.
- Counting
on Federal Money: Grantmakers Trade Accuracy for Greed in Census 2000
Fight - Big government is the goal, and "statistical sampling"
is the method for attaining it. Several grantmaking foundations with
an affinity for government programs are bankrolling nonprofit advocates
of sampling, which also has the strong support of the Clinton administration
and Congressional Democrats.
- How Stuff Works:
U.S. Census - Defends the census, explaining some of how it works
from a Census office kind of perspective.
- The 'race'
question on the U.S. census is racist. - Editorial arguing that
the question of race on the U.S. Census is racist.
- Rebuke Census Racism - Our
richly textured diversity (continental origin, national origins, and
ethnicities) is literally smothered by insensitive bureaucrats who developed
the labels that are used in USA 2000 Census forms.
- Sampling
and Statistical Adjustment in the Decennial Census: Fundamental Flaws
- A report by the House Committee on Government Reform And Oversight,
concerning the effort to include sampling (alteration of data) of the
US census.
- Allcensus - US Census Records
on CD-ROM from 1790 to 1920 organized by County and viewable on both
Windows and MAC systems.
- American Genealogy Mall
- Online guides for: U.S. Federal Census 1790 - 1920, Census Index Guide,
State Census Guide, Ask-A-Pro, State Historical Guide, Research Hints
and free Genealogy Charts.
- Birth, Marriage &
Death Certificates - Online ordering and credit card payment service
for birth, marriage and death certificates from the UK.
- The CensusGiver - International
genealogy search and retrieval service, including census records, vital
records, and open research.
- Deseret Census Research -
U.S. Federal Census page photocopies our specialty. Our fixed, flat
rate fees save you money. Over 15 years professional experience.
- East
Sussex Census - 1851 Index - Alphabetically arranged transcription
published in 23 volumes.
- U.S. Census Records
- Explains how copies of U.S. census records may be obtained and the
applicable fees. Requests are made with convenient on-line forms.
- US Census Bureau
- Includes all data for the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, the
U.S. and World Population clocks and the latest info on the upcoming
Census 2000.