- Anthems Flags
and Facts of Nations - Over 190 National Anthem Midis to listen
to. Flag images and facts include all independent Nations, all 50 USA
States, Australian States, Canadian Provinces, Francophone flags and
others. Also many Free Screen Savers. Multimedia CD-ROMS!
- AVP Virus Encyclopedia -
Brief descriptions of numerous computer viruses. This site requires
- Book of No - Encyclopedia of outsiders
and rebels with a cause.
- Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
- CD-ROM encyclopedia defining 11,000 computer terms. Demo available
for download.
- Canadian
Music Encyclopedia
- Concise Encyclopedia
of Mathematics [CRC] - Not that concise - this is a full bodied
reference work that covers much of the discipline of mathematics.
- Creation-Evolution
Encyclopedia - Over 700 printed pages of material discussing the
controversy between creation and evolution.
- Cyclepedia: Motorcycle Stats
and Facts - Motorcycling information, repair manuals, technical
data, and useful statistics organized by manufacturer. Completely searchable
and easy to use.
- Discovery
School - A-to-Z Geography Encyclopedia - Find information about
regions, countries, and cities around the world in A-to-Z Geography.
- Encyclopaedia
of Land Surveying Links - Alphabetical list of links to land surveying,
geodesy, GPS, GIS, and related fields most specific to the Southern
California Land Surveying Environment.
- Encyclopedia
of American Silver Marks - This site contains identification of
marks of American Silver Manufacturers including Gorham, Tiffany, Towle,
Duhme, Wallace, Lunt, Watson and over 75 more. All marks are clearly
illustrated and include a short history of each company. Links to other
silver collecting sites are provided.
- Encyberpedia - Electronic
encyclopedia with its own content as well as over 10,000 links to the
best reference sites on the Internet.
- Encyclopedia Britannica -
Complete Encyclopedia Britannica available completely free to anyone.
Articles from 70 top magazines, a guide to 125000 best websites and
much more.
- Encyclopedia FunTrivia
- Thousands of categorized entries of trivia - an invaluable resource
for answer seekers.
- Encyclopedia Smithsonian
- Links to on-line Smithsonian resources and answers to frequently asked
questions from A to Z.
- EncycloZine - EncycloZine is
a hybrid portal / concise encyclopedia, with fun interactivities for
learning and exercising the mind. Daily articles introduce new topics
in the arts, humanities, science, and technology, and provide links
to the very best sites for further study.
- Encyclopedia.com from Electric
- Encyclopedia of Life Sciences -
Preview website comprises a growing selection of originally commissioned
and peer reviewed articles across the life sciences. The online encyclopedia
will grow from now until April 2001 and when complete it will contain
over 3000 articles written by over 5,000 world-leading scientists. When
launched in April 2001 it will feature sophisticated search facilities,
multi-media, a special student interface, community sections, regular
updates and much more. (June 11, 2000)
- Encyclopedia of
Canadian Theatre
- Encyclopedia of Disney
Animated Shorts - Covers all shorts made from 1922 to the present.
Click "Map" at the top of web page to trace shorts by year
or character.
- Encyclopedia
of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL)
- EngineersWorldwide.com
- Worldwide directory for the design, engineering and construction industries.
- Free Internet
Encyclopedia - An encyclopedia composed of information available
on the Internet. The MacroReference contains references to large areas
of knowledge, FAQs where available, and pointers to relevant areas of
the MicroReference. The MicroReference contains short bits of information
and references to specific subjects, sometimes with instructions on
finding the specific subject inside a general reference.
- Free Online Encyclopedia
- Now you have free quality information at your fingertips - accurate,
thorough, and up to date.
- Gods, Heroes,
and Myth - This site contains information on Greek and Roman mythology.
There are links, pictures, maps, charts, and more.
- High-Tech
Dictionary - Everything from :-) to ZyXEL. Large database of definitions
plus an easy-access interface.
- International Electronic
Phaleristic Encyclopedia - Phaleristics is the scientific study
of orders, decorations, and medals.
- Kyoto
Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes - Current knowledge of molecular
and cellular biology in terms of the information pathways of interacting
molecules or genes and links from the gene catalogs produced by genome
sequencing projects.
- Marketing
Encyclopedia - More than 800 terms of marketing: environment, information,
management and operations.
- Microsoft Encarta®
- Encarta Online is the home for the Encarta Concise Encyclopedia, the
Encarta Schoolhouse educational site and Encarta Explore, an ever-changing
resource for exploration and discovery.
- Natural Remedies
Encyclopedia - Natural Remedies for over 500 diseases, such as cancer,
heart disease, sexually transmitted diseases, childhood diseases, with
a special section on preventive health.
- Oz
Clarke's Wine Encyclopedia at WineToday.com - Over 2500 entries
on wines, wineries, wine regions and major grape varieties.
- Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia
- Includes reference information such as height, location, first ascent
data, photos, web links, summit log entries, and more for hundreds of
mountains worldwide in an easily searchable format.
- Postage
Rates Worldwide - This directory has links to the postal services
rates tables and rate calculators. You can query a postal rate by email
in many cases.
- Postage Rates Worldwide [www.atms.ch]
- Postage rates for letters/cards (domestic, Europe, USA) in over 60
- Stanford Encyclopedia
of Logic Technology - It includes information about people, organizations,
and conferences concerned with the development, deployment, and application
of logic technology.
- Storm
Encyclopedia - Covers the basics about severe storms with notable
examples of Mother Nature's ill-tempered handiwork.
- Symbols.com - An encyclopedia
of over 2500 symbols. Search by keywords/concepts or by graphical attributes.
- Tallship Fan
- Encyclopedia of sailing ships online: data, photos, history, contact
addresses and other information about traditionally rigged sailing ships.
- TechEncyclopedia
- Over 14,000 definitions of computer terms and concepts from CMP's
TechWeb, online.
- The Book of Threes - The concept
is simple. Just think of something that comes in threes, then go to
this site and contribute it. For example: the colors on the American
flag; Caesar's most famous words, "Veni, vidi, vici" ("I
came, I saw, I conquered"); the number of legs on each side of
an insect.
- The Household Cyclopedia
- The Household Cyclopedia contains 10,000 receipts of practical utility
in all the arts of Domestic and Social Life.
- The Satellite Encyclopedia
- The Satellite Encyclopedia contains fact sheets with basic information
such as launch date, country of origin, official identification, and
payload description (EIRP maps). Extended launch vehicle section. Future
satellites descriptions. Over 4000 pages and 9000 keywords.
- The Classic
Computer Encyclopedia - Detailed information on the standard harware
capabilities of 36 classic computers. A must for anyone interested in
the history of computer hardware.
- Technology
and 20th Century Change In Warfare
- Transformers
On-Line Encyclopedia - Info on every major "continuity"
for U.S., U.K., and Japan Transformer cartoons and comics. Describes
people, places, groups.
- The Ultimate Guide to Frogs
- An information resource on frogs from every country with beautiful
- Virtualsources.com -
Find information on every country in the world. There are massive amounts
of statistics on everything from population to a country's legal system.
- Worldwide Gazeteer - Fast access
to reference information on every country in the world!
- Webopedia - Definitions of
many computer-related terms, from hardware to the internet. Searchable
using search engine or categorized lists.
- World Book Encyclopedia -
Offers in-depth information on a variety of subjects. It includes a
Parent/Teacher Resource section, features on current events, educational
activities for children, and information on ordering World Book products.