- Acronym Finder - Searchable
database of 80,000+ acronyms and meanings. Covers: common acronyms,
computers, technology, government, telecommunications, and military
- Adding Value to
your Links - A bulleted guide to using links effectively in hypertext
- alt.usage.english
FAQ - The alt.usage.english FAQ in HTML format. Wide range of English
usage topics.
- American English
- Canadian-American/British translation. Notes on American English,
British English, and Canadian English, in spelling and word choice.
- AmeriSpeak
- "Expressions of our American ancestors." The colorful slang
of Americans of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.
- Amy's
Guide to MLA Documentation - Advice on how to document research
using the MLA Handbook, Fourth Edition, 1995. Examples are either original
or borrowed from the MLA Handbook.
- The Book of
Cliches - A compilation of common phrases, euphemisms, and rationales
for times of trouble. Organized by occasion.
- CBC News: Words, Woe &
Wonder - An indepth look at the words we use from CBC News.
- Cirque de Cliche
- Worker-owned cooperative devoted to finding the public "best
of breed" cliches whose wide acceptance will revitalize the whole
American figure-of-speech industry.
- Citing Electronic
Sources - Outlines the basics of citing electronic sources in APA
(American Psychological Association) and MLA (Modern Languages Association)
- Clear Ink SpellWeb
- An evolving experiment in sidesifting the web for useful information.
In this case, it lets the web vote on alternative spellings (or web
popularity) of words.
- Cliche
- List of 2000 English cliches with some statistical and literary notes
on their use.
- Cliche Finder - Special
tool word-searches 3,300 cliches.
- Cliche Site - Clichés,
sayings or phrases listed with definitions and explanations. Clichés
are organized by subject and alphabetically and you can use the search
- Common Errors in English
- Catalogue of writing or speaking mistakes and easily confusible words,
with corrections.
- Communications
Skills at Suite101.com - This topic will cover writing and speaking
skills, with emphasis on clear communication, basic design, communicating
with international and multicultural audiences.
- Deadwood Phrases
- Prune the deadwood phrases from your writing. Site lists the worst
from A to Z.
- Dr. NAD's
Prig Page. - Tests of usage, built interactively.
- English Language Reference Page
- Search for the meaning of a word in multiple dictionaries. Finds idioms,
phrases, rhymes, and thesaurus results for that word.
- English-Zone.Com
- Learn grammar, practice English verbs, idioms, spelling conversation.
- Episodic Writing - Thomas
Wolfe, episodic writing, and the future of literary fiction beyond the
- Focusing on Words - Subscription-based
site for vocabulary development, showcasing the Latin and Greek roots
of English words.
- Garbl's Editorial
Style Manual - Online style manual for abbreviations, capitalization,
grammar, numbers, punctuation, spelling and word usage.
- Garbl's Writing Resources
Online - An annotated directory of web sites focusing on English
grammar, style, usage, plain language, active writing, words, reference
sources, online writing experts, word play and books on writing.
- Good Grammar,
Good Style - Articles and answers to frequently asked questions
about grammar, mechanics, and style. Links and bibliography.
- Grammar Slammer
- This help file indexes style and usage, capitalization, abbreviations,
punctuation, letter writing, common mistakes and a grammar glossary.
- Guide to Grammar
and Style - The information ranges from copy editing to elements
of style to discussions. Practical information about the writing craft.
- Guide
to Grammar and Writing - Digital handouts on grammar and English
usage. From subject-verb agreement and use of articles to exercises
in parallel structures and argumentative essays. You can submit questions
about grammar and writing.
- Guides for Better
Science Writing - Bibliography of style manuals for scientific research,
writing, and presentation. Guides for biology, medicine, chemistry,
engineering, geology, and mathematics.
- How to Cite Information
From the WWW - A brief introduction from the American Psychological
- How
to Proofread - Here is a guide of hints for proofreaders. Excerpt
from The Manual of Style, published in 1925.
- Internet
Citation Guides - Web-based bibliography of citation styles, including
APA (American Psychological Association), CBE (Council of Biology Editors),
Chicago, MLA (Modern Language Association), Turabian, APSA, and NLM.
- Karla's
Guide to Citation Guides - Annotated collection of links to the
best citation guides on the Internet, especially citation from the Internet.
APA, Chicago, MLA, CBE, legal citation, and more.
- KCI: Reader
Based Writing Style Guide - Designed to help you bulletproof your
writing. Extensive, alphabetical index of points of style.
- Linguistic
Phenomena/Devices - A list of lesser-known features in English writing.
You know what most of these are, you just didn't know what they were
called. Hendiadys, holonyms, hypernyms, and more.
- Loquacious
Language - A column (running for three years) devoted to language
(and mostly grammar) by Michael Tseng.
- Macedon's Taberna:
The Craft of Writing - Only 10% of writing is talent (maybe less),
another 30% is having something interesting to say. The rest is being
able to say it well. Talent and content amount to little without skill,
and skill is what we learn.
Style and Documentation - Guidelines and examples for current MLA
procedures. First page format, presenting quotations, and citing books,
websites, and nonprint sources.
- NoodleBib - The MLA
Bibliography Composer - A free tool to create, edit, and save your
MLA-style bibliography online, then publish it to a Web page, email
it, or save it as RTF and open it in Microsoft Word.
- The Nuts and Bolts of College
Writing - Popular, award-winning online writing guide. Authoritative
help with research, style, structure, major citation styles, mechanics,
and revision.
- Online Classes in Rhetoric,
University of Minnesota - The University of Minnesota offers a number
of Internet correspondence courses in rhetoric. Sign up here.
- Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
- Help in discovering, organizing, revising, and editing informal, thesis,
argumentative, and exploratory essays.
- Plain English Campaign
- We fight to destroy gobbledygook, legalese, small print and bureaucratic
language. We give out the Crystal Mark Award for good use of plain English.
- A Research
Guide for Students - How to write research papers, do presentations,
and more. Virtual library of useful URLs arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification.
- Rhetorical
Figures - From alliteration to zeugma, and everything in between,
all the figures of speech are here.
- 11 Rules of Writing
- Concise guide to some of the most frequently violated rules of writing,
punctuation, and grammar.
- Scribe.com - An ever
increasing list of free hints and tips on punctuation. Also, tips about
page layout, html and software. Free newsletter.
- The Slot - A regularly updated
style guide and webzine for copy editors by Bill Walsh.
- SoYouWanna
Avoid Common Writing Errors - We compiled a list of the most common
writing errors people tend to make. This is not a primer on grammar
or essay-writing. This is a checklist of things which you might well
do and which you must stop doing.
- The Sports Cliche List -
A large, searchable collection of sports cliches, lingo, and jargon.
- Strunk, William.
1918. The Elements of Style. - This book is intended for use in
English courses in which the practice of composition is combined with
the study of literature. It aims to give in brief space the principal
requirements of plain English style.
- That's Right Words
- Articles about grammar information and hints. Australian site. Errs
on the side of "correctness," not that of modern usage.
- Top20Composition.com
- Online directory for grammar, spelling, puncuation, research, creative
writing, and Proofreading resources.
- Verbivore
- Richard Lederer's page, with contact information and a handful of
his language-loving articles.
- Watch
Your Language - Michael Seraphim humorously discusses, in a series
of columns, common errors in the use of the English language and what
happens as a result.
- William Strunk Jr.'s
The Elements of Style - Online publication of Strunk's classic guide
to the English language.
- Wired Style
- Notes on the emerging language of technology. Reference and discussion
tool. Last updated 1997.
- The Word Centre - Consulting
firm dedicated to training businesses to use plain English. Free newsletter
and professional editing services.
- Word
Fugitives - An interactive column by The Atlantic's Barbara Wallraff.
Discovers needs in our language and recommends new words to fill them.
- Word Lab - A message board where
you can request and brainstorm unique words, names, titles, coinages,
puns, phrases, slogans and slang.
- A Word With You - A daily
on-line column, featuring little known facts about well known words
and phrases.
- Wordiness - A list
of words and phrases to purge from your writing.
- Words, Words,
and More Words - We use words to communicate, to connect, to convince,
to change minds, to entertain, to play, to work and more. Explore the
world of words on the Internet.
- WordWatch
- Digs up a word or phrase out of the Bank of English and holds it up
for inspection and comment.
- WordWizard - Portal for word
lovers. Learn about word meanings, slang, quotations, insults, and famous
authors. Wordwizard offers a round trip across the English language.
- World Wide Words -
Explores some of the byways history, quirks, curiosities and evolution
of the English language. Columns on a variety of subjects.
- Writing
For Multimedia - Style guide for multimedia.
- Yale Style Manual-Table
of Contents - A style manual for the design of Web pages and Web
sites. Covers graphic and information design, page layout, Web graphics,
site organization, navigation, and Web multimedia content.