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cool site with math flashcards, multiplication tables, biographies
of mathematicians, and a glossary of math terms.
Schools: The Link - a webzine with changing themes for related
math, writing, and drawing activities. Submit your work to be published
- explore this amusement park of mathematics! Have fun with interactive
activities and games like Lemonade Stand and Arithmattack. There's
even stuff for parents and teachers too.
Mathematics - learn how to read and write the seven different
symbols the Egyptians used to solve math problems.
Ratio, The - learn about the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Mean,
and mathematical constructions and find out what they have to do with
patterns in nature and art on this ThinkQuest site.
Math - choose your grade level then check out the glossary and
interactive activities.
Internet Learning
Network Home - try your hand at some math and science quizzes
and compare how you did with kids in other countries. For 7th and
8th grade levels.
Math Counts
- a national coaching and competition program for 7th and 8th grade
Forum - math news, notes, links and more. Check out the problems
of the week!
Projects for Science Fairs - suggestions for possible projects
on topics that could make exciting and interesting projects, from
the Canadian Mathematical Society.
History - if you're crazy about math this ThinkQuest site is the
place for you. Learn about math's place in the Orient, Ancient Greece,
and from the 16th century on. You can also read up on important mathematicians.
with Alice - takes you on a course through Mathematics with the
help of Alice, the girl in Lewis Carroll's stories. Includes a biography
of Carroll as well as math tips and problems.
- find out how math is used in sports like football, baseball, bowling,
and basketball.
- showcases math topics such as graph theory, knot theory, sorting
networks and finite state machines.
Maths Year
2000 - great resource for everything math. Try out some games,
learn about top jobs in math, visit Numberland, and be sure to have
- learn your multiplication tables the fun way with this mathematical
site from the BBC! Includes a glossary and games.